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This was so weird and yet so cool. thanks for this

(1 edit) (-8)

I hate you hopkins. You look like shit. I am going to you Allahuakbar 


I'm not messing with molly 

Starts at 10:29


jogo chato!

Amazing Game I NEED MORE!🔥🔥🔥

oh no


i dont like you


I CANNOT wait to see where this goes!

I played the demo and is great! can't wait to play the full game!


I was hoping for a game after seeing tiktok videos and i'm glad it exist !

This was really fun lol we all took turns playing it until we got all the endings haha was creative! Wish more women would decide to make PC Games to show off their skimpy outfits than just posting pics online lol the world would be a better place <3

Deleted 1 year ago



W game! Fire demo, can't wait for the full release 🔥

i can't play it because i play on chromebook so when i download it nothing pops up so i would like to be able to play on chromebook.


enjoyable game! 


I wish the comments had more criticism instead of self-promotion. Everything below is my opinion and of course I could just be wrong lol.

I really liked the molly moon videos when they first came out. I was super excited when the teaser trailer came out with all these great names attached. I really wish I was able to enjoy the demo even if it was a bit of a teaser, but it falls so short.

The pacing of this game is bad. Even for a fast-paced horror short. Molly Moon's 20 second tiktoks have better story pacing than this game does. I was hoping this game would expand upon the concept, story, and feeling that Molly established, but everything feels super lost in translation. It's just the bare minimum, molly has creepy voice and stands there, that's all this game really has to offer (which all the tiktoks already do).

The premise of the game is extremely uninteresting. You go in the house and to the basement, there's random weird cult dudes, and you go through a simple and weird chase sequence. The premise for Molly Moon's other shorts are already much more interesting. For example, the Babysitter short. You have a role that anyone can understand, and you're under a large amount of stress due to your failure, leaving fear for the unknown consequences. The "Want to play my game" tiktok's scare is much creepier and more visually interesting than the generic spooky face this game gives you a game over screen with. It feels like Airdorf just threw in his cult aesthetic without any thoughts about how to make it interesting.

I don't understand the weird phone resolution of this game, is it even playable on mobile? I understand the original shorts had the phone layout but... that's because it was recorded on a phone. You're absolutely allowed to play with this format but how it's done here doesn't add anything to the game, and it has so much unused space it makes me think the game might look and feel better in a more standard full screen format. This is honestly by biggest nitpick though, the game can be great even in this resolution.

Again, this demo really does not expand upon the idea of molly moon's shorts at all, I would argue it's a downgrade if anything. To be completely honest, as much as I initially loved the molly moon shorts, they can get kind of old, especially when they rely on the fear factor of molly herself and the voice. This game has a chance to add more to it, do more with it, make a world or show how terrifying this character is, but it really is the same shtick just again (which already got kinda old).

How would I try to improve upon the game? I think some more visual flare would be nice. In the shorts, while you're trying to think of a response, you feel scared and pressured as molly stares and blinks, waiting for your response and looking at your options, as if something bad can happen every second you're too reluctant to make a decision. Here, it just feels like nothing. Maybe try to expand the world itself to be strange and creepy with a similar vibe the molly shorts have, maybe something similar to Harvester. Maybe have the game focus on one simple scenario with molly with different paths that can lead to many different scary scenarios.

I really wonder what the intention of this game is. Is it trying to be just a random free small project made for fun? Is this something intended to one day release on steam and cost money? Because if the game keeps at this pace of quality, I feel it'll inevitably be cancelled or be super uninteresting. I'm sorry for sounding so negative, but that's just because I really wanna see something great come out of this project, it has so much potential. I just hope it can live up to it.


this game was great cant wait for more check my gameplay of it-


this game crazy


cool game had a lot of fun recording this one


Got 2 out of 3




Your game starts at 01:31. Awesome demo! The 90s point and click vibe is perfect for the creepy story. Molly is a great villain and the supporting cast is fantastic. Making her TikTok series in to a playable game was as brilliant as it was inevitable. Looking forward to the full game. 

ALL ENDINGS. Full Game Should be interesting 

I really wanted to like this, but unfortunately there were several significant problems that detracted from my enjoyment.

The hitboxes on the femoid are highly inaccurate to the model. By equipping the screwdriver, I should have a significant range advantage in neutral, yet I was unable to score a hit even when L-cancelling. Whether this is due to inept programming or a deliberate attack on my masculinity by the FEMA One World Agenda, I cannot say.

Truffles is cute though, so my final rating is 10/10. Please project future updates directly into my subconscious mind.

Deleted 1 year ago

lmao WHAT


good game! 

(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

Jesse cox, Aidorf and Molly Moonn?! I am so hyped holy shit
Just realised who Torpledook was too! YOOO


This was fun! Just the right amount of spooky, and also a bit silly and surreal at times. For a demo, there's a nice amount of replay value! Looking forward to seeing where this goes from here!


Well that was something...

Nice game, i don't normally like point and clicks but this was pretty good.


I can't get the demo to play with my mac :( I keep getting the error that says "The contents of "ExcuseMeSir_Demo_v1.0.1.textClippng cannot be extracted with The Unarchiver" -- anyone got any advice?? <3




I played Excuse Me Sir also as well in this same video so that's why the thumbnail is different. But it was a nice game!

Outstanding Work Made me Crave this

Game and All of the Content's

Wow enjoyed it and can't wait for the full version! 

Entertaining, spooky and fun, great job!


Very interesting game. So far the demo has been really fun to play. Can't wait to see the full release!


Can't wait for the full release!


Update pls!

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